Monday, December 21, 2009

What I'm about to say may seem controversial, but it is undeniable fact. The National Debt is the money our American government owes to the Federal Reserve. However, the American government neither manages nor regulates this Federal Reserve, it has no jurisdiction over it, and cannot tell them when to print or not print money. And yet, we owe them money, AND interest on top of that money.

The Federal Reserve prints our dollars, and then LENDS us this money, which we then must pay back to them with interest. So how are we EVER supposed to pay off this interest along with the debt owed, when we must pay back more than just the money that was printed? The answer is NEVER, and that's the idea. The invention of interest ensures debt in money lending, thus leading to the continuous rise in national and personal debt.

So, our debt will always go up, and never down, so long as this "interest" idea exists. We are enslaved into a never-ending cycle of eternal debt. As long as we allow this system to function, the country will forever owe itself more money than it can ever hope to pay off. All because of "interest," or more plainly, money that doesn't physically exist, because it has never been printed. And those who own and manage this Federal Reserve are the real puppeteers and profiteers.